
Recent posts from my website and the JKD Wednesday Night Group as well as updates on training and current projects. Most of my focus at present is on building the jkdwednite.com website into a significant resource for anyone searching for information on Jeet Kune Do, in addition to other projects designed to help grow the group. Hopefully within the next handful of months we’ll have some interesting things to announce.

Tim Tackett “Year of the Dragon” Collection

To honor one of my teachers, Tim Tackett, I’m producing these special edition Year of the Dragon Heavy Cotton T-shirts, Softstyle T-shirts and Hoodies featuring his image. Several artists contributed to the artwork, design and layout of this T-shirt. Sifu Tackett has been passing on the art of Jeet Kune Do since the early 1970’s. In his five decades of teaching and writing books on JKD, he has influenced thousands of martial artists around the world and created a lasting legacy. From all of the instructors at the JKD Wednesday Night Group, we thank you for all of the knowledge… Continue reading

New Affiliate Program in development

In keeping with the JKD Wednesday Night Group’s mission of “preserving and promoting the art of Jeet Kune Do”, myself and a handful of other members of the group are developing a new Affiliated Coaches Program which will enable experienced JKD practitioners, martial arts school owners, and instructors from other systems to teach Wednesday Night Group JKD. Our group will provide teaching/training manuals in addition to remote and in-person training sessions focused entirely on best practices for teaching the art. Those who enroll in the JKD Affiliate Program will also have the option of earning coaching credentials in our Personal… Continue reading

RSS JKD Wednesday Night Group

  • Stages in the cultivation of Jeet Kune Do August 8, 2023
    Jeet Kune Do was one of the first martial arts built upon the idea that the system should adapt to the individual rather than the individual to the system. Bruce Lee’s personal journey in the martial arts began with Tai Chi as a child and Chinese Boxing as a teenager, and ultimately led him to […]
    Mike Blesch
  • JKD: Moving Forward December 17, 2016
    In all areas of study and practice there is an inevitable desire to crystallize, standardize, and otherwise encapsulate that which was once free, fluid, and in a constant state of evolution, into a definable and easily digestible product by imposing boundaries and limits. Gradually over time, The Way is mistaken for The Truth and becomes […]
    Mike Blesch